Friday, July 3, 2009

New Animals and Creatures


I present below a small selection of some unusual animals and creatures that inhabit the Aghanda region. Such creatures may be suitable for any jungle or rain-forest environment in particular. It's always nice to have some different animals for the players to encounter beyond normal, standard animals, or creatures that are otherwise *too magical* or possess too strong of a *stage presence*. These creatures may be unusual or strange, though at the same time can easily form a background presence in the environment that may be commonly encountered.

Frequency: Uncommon
No. Appearing: 5-12 (1d8+4)
Armor Class: 4
Move: 15"
Hit Dice: 6-8
% In Lair: Nil
Treasure Type: Nil
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: Bite: 2-12 (2d6) or 4-24 (4d6) Crushing Charge
Special Attacks: Crushing Charge
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Intelligence: Semi
Alignment: Neutral
Size: L (5'-6' high at the shoulder, 10' long)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

The Dru-Nogg are large, reptilian beasts standing 5'-6' tall at the shoulder, and roughly 10' long. Dru-Nogg are very broad, and weigh upwards of 3,000-lbs. Dru-Nogg have thick, angular and wide heads, with broad mouths full of strong teeth. Dru-Nogg have a social, pack-centered society, and are aggressive and stubborn creatures. Dru-Nogg hunt in the wilds in their packs, and use simple, group tactics to attack and feed off of large herd beasts, as well as bringing down larger, more formidable creatures. The Dru-Nogg are strong, and well-armoured, with thick, tough hide that forms in small, dense scales over the body. The Dru-Nogg are not especially fast, though they survive by their ferocity, group tactics, and adaptibility. The creatures are enthusiastic swimmers, and are eager to wade into water of all kinds. The Dru-Nogg have a peculiar, rugged metabolism that makes them immune to the effects of most venoms and poisons. While the Dru-Nogg are generally omnivorous, and will eat anything from tropical plants and grasses, various kinds of eggs, and any giant insects they may find, as well as fish, and eels, the Dru-Nogg prefer to be carnivorous, and especially devour raw, fresh, meat from large types of animals, both mammals and reptiles.

Dru-Nogg have six strong legs, with short, thick claws, and a short, thick tail. Dru-Nogg make a deep hissing and growling sound when they are excited or hungry, and can survive up to a week without water. Dru-Nogg have been domesticated by various tribal cultures, as well as several more advanced kingdoms. The Dru-Nogg make excellent mounts, and while not as swift as horses, and more expensive to feed and care for in some aspects, the Dru-Nogg are very rugged and easily trained and domesticated. Tribes and kingdoms living in deserts, as well as marshes and tropical jungles, often prefer Dru-Nogg as both mounts and beasts of burden, as in such environments the Dru-Nogg are especially valuable and generally superior to horses, camels, as well as mules and donkeys for such purposes.

Rhunnib Tree
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 1-3
Armor Class: 4
Move: 6"
Hit Dice: 10
% In Lair: Nil
Treasure Type: A
No. of Attacks: 5
Damage/Attack: 1-6/1-6/1-6/1-6/2-12
Special Attacks: Poisonous Spore Cloud; Pod Disease
Special Defenses: Regeneration; Surprised only on a 1-2.
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Average or higher
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: L (15'-30' tall, or higher)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

The Rhuunib Tree is a terrifying, monstrously evil tree-like creature of dark, savage cunning, bloodthirsty, voracious appetite, and wicked cruelty. In some ways, the creature may be a macabre, alien blend of tree, otyugh, and the demonic. Whatever it's origins, the monster's true nature is cloaked in mystery. The monster has the rough form of a tree of various kinds, typically a willow tree, or some breed of tropical tree, though others have been encountered as well. The Rhuunib Tree grows typically between 15' and 30' high, though larger specimens are found, depending on the type of tree. The Rhuunib Tree has branches and leaves, but portions of the branches are barkless, and like skin, with blood vessels and veins clearly visible upon close inspection. Intermixed with the tree branches are tough, rubbery barbed tentacles, and at the lower, central section of the tree, approximately 3'-4' from the base of the trunk, there is a huge, oval-shaped maw of enormous, savage teeth. Smaller psuedo-pods rimmed with three to six large eyes also grow in various places about the creature, making it especially difficult to surprise.

The Rhuunib Tree makes four barbed tentacle attacks per round, and a single ferocious bite attack per round. Once every three rounds, the Rhuunib Tree can discharge a poisonous spore-cloud; the poisonous spore-cloud effects every creature within a 30' radius, and causes all such creatures affected to save vs poison or suffer the effects of being slowed, and 1-6 points of nerve damage as the poisonous spores burn through the victim's system. The poisonous spore cloud affects a victim for a duration of 3 rounds. Creatures that make a successful saving throw vs poison suffer no damage or debilitating effects. However, creatures that fail a saving throw vs poison, but also manage to survive the lingering after-effects of the poisonous pollen, are also affected by a Barbed Pod Spore.

The Barbed Pod Spore burrows deep into the victim's system, and begins incubating inside the victim's body. Meanwhile, the victim suffers a loss of 1-6 points from each ability score, and becomes increasingly weak, frail, and severely ill for a period of 8-13 days. (1d6+7 days). At the end of such time, the victim seems to begin to return to health, and regains any lost ability scores, and over the next 3-5 days, appears to have a wondrous recovery.

All is such an illusion, however. The pod has merely been incubating, and now, at the end of the apparent "recovery" period, bursts forth. The victim's mind and entire system undergoes a massive, catastrophic change, as the victim is suddenly and horrifically transformed into a Rhuunib Tree. The victim's alignment changes to Chaotic Evil at this time, and now proceeds to set out in search of a suitable forested or marsh environment from which to live, hunt, and grow. The mature Rhuunib Tree preys upon all manner of life forms, from normal animals, to the fantastic, whether they are reptiles, birds, or mammals, though humanoids are especially favoured. The evil Rhuunib Tree will occasionally gather together in small groups of other Rhuunib Trees, and cooperate to better gain more food and victims, as well as occasionally cooperating with other powerful evil monsters in some kind of alliance for mutual gain. The Rhuunib Tree speaks its own language, and horrifically, any languages that the host victim knew as well. The Rhuunib Tree has the capability to move, though slowly. Rhuunib Trees typically enjoy staying in the same area for months, even years at a time, and it is about them that such treasure as they may possess typically collects. Such coins and treasures fall from the devoured victims, as the Rhuunib Tree pierces the victim's body with branches and shoots, wrapping them in their tentacles, and slowly drains the victim's body of all blood, and then eats through all the creature's flesh, leaving physical possessions, clothing, armor, and so on, to drop to the ground. Rhuunib Trees often make alliances with evil hags, savage bands of humanoids, as well as ogres, trolls, powerful giants, and bands of brigands and adventurers.

Nyeghori Ape
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 2-12
Armor Class: 6
Move: 12"
Hit Dice: 6+6
% In Lair: 10%
Treasure Type: C
No. of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 1-6/1-6/2-12
Special Attacks: Rending
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Low to Average
Alignment: Neutral
Size: L (7'-8' Tall, very broad)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Nyeghori Apes are massive, powerful creatures that inhabit the dense jungles and rain-forests throughout the continent of Aghanda. Nyeghori Apes have thick, black fur that covers their bodies, and large mouths full of strong teeth. Nyeghori Apes have large heads, with thick limbs, and four arms. Nyeghori Apes are otherwise bipedal humanoids. The Nyeghori have excellent vision, hearing, and sense of smell. Unlike normal apes, the Nyeghori possess a rough intelligence that provides them with the capacity for verbal speech. Nyeghori Apes live in tribes of several families, typically numbering 20+1d20 members. The Nyeghori dwell amidst the great trees of jungles and rain-forests, making their homes from rough huts of logs, leaves, and earth. The Nyeghori have close bonds with family members and friends, and are led by the oldest male and female ape. The Nyeghori language may be learned with great effort by non-Nyeghori, though there is no written form of the Nyeghori language.

The Nyeghori Apes live simple, primitive lives as hunter/gatherers, and are entirely self-sufficient. Nyeghori Apes are primarily vegetarian, though they supplement their diet with smaller mammals and reptiles. Rumours and legends abound about tribes of Nyeghori Apes being ferocious man-eaters, and falling upon groups of humans or other humanoids in savage attacks and feasting upon the screaming humanoids in bloody glee. While it is true that some Nyeghori tribes eat humanoids--most Nyeghori Apes live in quiet seclusion, and are generally inoffensive and peaceful.

The fur of the Nyeghori Apes can be skinned and prepared as a warm cloak, as well as other clothing and trimming for boots. Nyeghori teeth possess mystical properties, and a necklace of Nyeghori teeth may provide the wearer with a bonus to strength, ranging from +1 to +3. Many tribes of humans hunt and eat the Nyeghori Apes, as the meat is dense, lean, flavourful, and nutritious.

Frequency: Common
No. Appearing: 2-12
Armor Class: 4
Move: 18"
Hit Dice: 4-6
% In Lair: 30%
Treasure Type: Nil
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 2-12 (2d6)
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Defenses: Surprised only on a 1
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Semi (Occasionally, higher)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Size: M (4' long, 6' wingspan)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

The Kree-akk are a strange, vibrantly coloured predatory bird, appearing to be much like a huge raven, though with brightly coloured white, black, blue, and purple feathers. The Kree-akk beak is long, and sharp, and full of razor sharp teeth. The bite from a Kree-akk carries a poison that slows the victim by 50%. The Kree-akk have bright, black or purple eyes, and various individuals may possess greater intelligence than the norm, including the capacity for eloquent speech. The Kree-akk live in small groups, and are very aggressive and territorial. The Kree-akk are disciplined, and cooperate amongst themselves, defending each other fanatically. The Kree-akk are roughly 4' long, and weigh 50-100 pounds. Kree-akk are bizarre and cunning, with intelligent Kree-akk forging alliances with other creatures, as fitting their motives and ambitions for more food, and favoured homes of certain groups of trees, access to water, and such. Kree-akk possess their own language, which is complex and very difficult to learn for non-Kree-akk. Intelligent Kree-akk often learn other languages, and are keen to converse and form relationships with allied creatures. Such intelligent Kree-akk are more ambitious, and have developed a love of treasure, personal power and gain, among other desires.

Jhoubah Baboon
Frequency: Uncommon
No. Appearing: 10-100
Armor Class: 7
Move: 15"
Hit Dice: 3+3
% In Lair: 30%
Treasure Type: Nil
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 1-8
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defenses: Climbing
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Low to Average
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: S (4'-5' tall)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Jhoubah Baboons are fierce, savage humanoids that live in huge tribes, making their homes along the ground at the base of clusters of trees and within the denser reaches of the jungle, as well as throughout the rolling savannahs of Aghanda. The Jhoubah possess a primitive capacity for speech, and may occasionally use simple tools. Jhoubah Baboons are largely vegetarian, though they will attack and eat various mammals, reptiles, and birds. Jhoubah Baboons are especially ferocious in defending their territory, and use group swarm tactics and their hands to grab their prey, and biting them with their large, powerful teeth.

Jhoubah Baboons have excellent eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell. While primitive, Jhoubah Baboons are fond of raiding smaller, weaker tribes of Jhoubah baboons or other monkeys and apes, and taking control of the new territory and resources. Most of the male baboons and such are killed and eaten, while the females are taken and kept for breeding. Jhoubah Baboons enjoy killing and eating other humanoids as well, such as humans, and any wandering bands of humans are treated in the same fashion that foreign tribes of baboons are--the males are typically killed and eaten, while the females are kept for the purposes of slavery, breeding, and entertainment.

Jhoubah Baboons are typically covered in pale grey fur, have a humanoid appearance, though they are bipedal, they spend much of their time moving and traveling on all fours. Jhoubah Baboons are excellent climbers, and also fast sprinters. Jhoubah Baboons have large mouths, with large, deadly teeth; large, sloped and peaked heads, with a muscular, strong back and deep chests. Jhoubah Baboons have hairless faces, however, with occasional coloration ranging from white, to pale blue, teal, and purple. Such facial coloration and markings are unique to each individual Jhoubah, and serve as some kind of visual indentification, in addition to unique smell and scent to each Jhoubah Baboon. Jhoubah Baboons usually have eye color ranging from amber, gold, blue, or black.

Gharrnu Leopard
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 1-3
Armor Class: 7
Move: 15"
Hit Dice: 6
% In Lair: 25%
Treasure Type: Nil
No. of Attacks: 4
Damage/Attack: 1-8/1-8/1-6/1-6
Special Attacks: Rear Claws for 1-6/1-6
Special Defenses: Surprised only on a 1
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Low
Alignment: Neutral
Size: L (4' high at the shoulder, 7' long)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Gharrnu Leopards are fierce, powerful predators that live throughout the jungles and rain-forests of Aghanda. The Gharnnu Leopard is a strange abberation, possessing two heads, each with broad jaws full of powerful teeth. The Gharnnu Leopards have rich, luxurious coats of shimmering black fur, and silver, amber, or blue eyes. Gharnnu Leopards are excellent climbers and swimmers, and hunt voraciously. Gharnnu Leopards live in small groups, typically a mated pair, and 1-3 younger leopards.

Gharnnu fur is extremely valuable, and a rough pelt may be sold for upwards of 2,000 gold pieces, while a finely tailored cloak typically may be sold for 5,000 gold pieces. Various other types of clothing, from tunics and trousers, to boots, may also be fashioned using the beautiful Gharnnu fur. Such items generally post with a value from 2,500 to 4,000 gold.

Gharnnu Leopards are cunning, ferocious carnivores, and hunt and eat anything smaller than themselves, as well as some creatures that are larger, from antelope and buffalo to humanoids. Gharnnu Leopards possess potent eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell.

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