Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Half Elves

Half Elves


Since ancient times, various elf kingdoms have embraced alliances with diverse human barbarian tribes, as well as more advanced and civilized human kingdoms. Throughout the centuries, trade has also flourished between elves and humans. The fact that elves and humans must fight and struggle to survive in a world that is often dark, harsh, and brutal, and are often opposed by the same enemies, from savage, barbarian humans and tribes of dark, ferocious orcs, to tribes of savage beastmen, and fearsome monsters, makes the formation of such political, social and economic relationships not only easier, but often necessary and essential for both races’ continued prosperity, security, and survival.

From these foundations—political, social, and economic—elves and humans have often formed social friendships and romantic relationships that have bred half elves. Through the centuries, the frequency, popularity, and intensity of such relationships has varied, depending on the particular elf kingdom or tribe, as well as the particular human kingdom or tribe. These fundamental aspects to the relationships between elves and humans form the foundation to their relationships, and continue to the present age.

Physical Appearance

Half elves are typically of average height and weight, though they are almost always athletic, lithe, attractive, and graceful. Half elves are typically charming, sensual and alluring. While half elves are always unique in their form and appearance, half elves are uniformly athletic, attractive, and graceful, never being too thin, or overweight. Have elves also have sloped, pointed ears, much like elves but less so. Half elves enjoy enhanced longevity, and the typical senses and abilities of elves, though in reduced potency and form. Beyond these details, half elves share the wild diversity of traits and features common to humans.

Base Male Half Elf Height: 5’0”-6’2”; (4’10”+2d8”);
Average Height: 5’6”
Base Male Half Elf Weight: 120-210 lbs; (110+10d10);
Average Weight: 160-lbs.

Base Female Half Elf Height: 4’8”-5’10”; (4’6”+2d8”);
Average Height: 5’2”
Base Female Half Elf Weight: 88-160 lbs; (80+8d10);
Average Weight: 120-lbs.

Half Elf Abilities and Characteristics

Half Elf Abilities
Strength: +1
Dexterity: -
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: -
Wisdom: -
Charisma: +1
Comeliness: +1

Half Elf Character Tables

Half Elf Character Table: Skin Tone
Dice Roll/Skin Tone
01-10%: Roll on an appropriate Marlenya or Sarlenya character table for skin colour
11-00%: Roll on an appropriate Human heritage character table for skin colour

Half Elf Character Table: Hair Colour
Dice Roll/Hair Colour
01-20%: Roll on an appropriate Marlenya or Sarlenya character table for hair colour
21-00%: Roll on an appropriate Human heritage character table for hair colour

Half Elf Character Table: Eye Colour
Dice Roll/Eye Colour
01-50%: Roll on an appropriate Marlenya or Sarlenya character table for eye colour
51-00%: Roll on an appropriate Human heritage character table for eye colour


Half elves do not possess a political ideology, structures, or organization unique to half elves. Half elves typically embrace the political ideology, structures, and organization that is dominant in the culture where they were raised.


Half elves, like most mixed-race creatures, do not really have a culture that is unique and distinct to half elves. Half elves generally embrace the culture that is dominant where they were raised. Like some, if not most other half races of mixed heritage, half elves may embrace distinctive attributes and characteristics of a sub-culture, but even this is so diverse and malleable over time and variable from place to place and generation to generation as to be largely circumstantial and particular to one generation or perhaps several generations of half elves living in the same cultural environment—for even this may change rather rapidly. In various times and regions, half elves may be scorned and oppressed, or feared and hated. Likewise, half elves may be richly celebrated, admired, embraced and desired. The traits of any particular sub-culture of half elves is formed, shaped and endures in response to such variable conditions.


Half elves do not have a religion that is distinct and unique to half elves. Half elves typically embrace whatever the dominant religion of the culture in which they were raised.


Half elves do not generally possess any armour, weapons, tactics or organization unique to half elves. Half elves typically embrace the tactics, organizations, armour and weapons common to the culture where they were raised.

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