Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Human—Common Vallorean

Human—Common Vallorean


Common Valloreans are by far the largest population within the Vallorean Empire, and representative of various Vallorean populations abroad on foreign shores. The Valloreans are genetically mixed between Tethorna Valloreans and other provincial peoples and barbarians, and possess a particular political and cultural history unique to each region and province within the empire. Generally speaking, the dominant Vallorean history has been fully embraced and accepted by the various Vallorean populations, simply being integrated with their own local native histories, and held as a time when they were variously allied, conquered, or otherwise absorbed into the empire.

Physical Appearance

Common Valloreans are typically fairly tall, with strong physiques. Common Valloreans are often charismatic, charming, and dynamic. Valloreans may often have pale, white skin—though other skin tones are generally predominant. Valloreans often have black-brown, ebony-black, blonde or dark-brown hair, though many colors occur, and dominate, depending on the local region and province. Valloreans usually have some color of blue, grey, or brown eyes—again, however, highly reflective of the local and regional ethnic population or individual family.

Common Vallorean men often wear their hair cut short or perhaps to their shoulders or middle of their back in length. Valloreans have thick hair that is typically straight, though wavy and curly hair is not uncommon. Vallorean hair varieties, as well as styles and customs are highly variable, depending on the local region and ethnic environment. Vallorean women often wear their hair long and straight, or in long, curled masses, though with great diversity in styles and customs, depending on the local region and ethnic environment. The Common Valloreans typically enjoy a huge range of fashion styles, colors, and materials, depending on the local region and ethnic cultures, as well as the individual family and neighborhood. Valloreans typically embrace all manner of fine jewelry, perfumes, oils, and cosmetics with a broad range of preferences, styles and customs, depending on the local region and ethnic environment and influences. In rural settings, Vallorean women typically wear modest perfume or cosmetics, if any at all; while in urban areas, Vallorean women are very fashionable and sophisticated in their styles and tastes of perfume, oils, cosmetics, and clothing. Male Valloreans likewise are more influenced by the prevailing cultural customs, typically ranging from simple, rustic and unpretentious preferences in a rural environment, and far more fashionable, sophisticated and rich in urban communities.

N.B: Player Characters are encouraged to review the Vallorean Character Tables, presented below:

Valloreans are often tall, strong, vigorous, and charismatic. Valloreans have a huge variety of skin tones, hair and eye colors, and various ethnic features inherited from their Tethorna Vallorean blood, and various non-Vallorean bloodlines. Through the centuries of conquest, slavery, marriage and interbreeding, most of the particular Tethorna Vallorean characteristics have been bred out, and Valloreans are largely identical to standard humans throughout the world in every genetic way. Valloreans are standard humans in every way, though may have occasionally superficial characteristics more in common with their ancient Vallorean heritage. Valloreans may be half-Tethorna Vallorean, and half-something else, or as likely to have some Vallorean blood, and a large infusion of one or more other ethnic bloodlines from a process of constant and chaotic interbreeding and intermarriage through the years.

Vallorean Character Ability Summary
As per standard human character generation, as follows:
Human characters gain a +2 bonus to any two selected abilities at character generation.

Vallorean Character Tables
Vallorean characters may possess features of the dominant Vallorean bloodline, though they have a mixed heritage of some kind. Just as likely, a “Vallorean” may appear as a particular dominant ethnic member, or a blending of such ethnic bloodlines, with only a vague or distant Vallorean heritage.

Vallorean Character Table: Skin Tone
Dice Roll/Skin Tone
01-25%: Pale-White
26-40%: Olive-White
41-50%: Florrid-White
51-55%: Light-Brown
56-60%: Light Tan
61-65%: Olive-Tan
66-75%: Olive-Brown
76-90%: Cinnamon-Brown
91-95%: Tawny-Brown
96-00%: Bronze-Brown

Vallorean Character Table: Hair Color
Dice Roll/Hair Color
01-20%: Black-Brown
21-50%: Ebony-Black
51-60%: Dull-Black
61-75%: Dark Brown
76-78%: Chestnut Brown
79-81%: Chocolate Brown
82-84%: Honey-Brown
85-87%: Golden-Brown
88-90%: Red-Brown
91-92%: Red-Auburn
93-94%: Ash-Blonde
95-96%: Golden-Blonde
97-98%: Honey-Blonde
99-00%: Brassy-Blonde

Vallorean Character Table: Eye Color
Dice Roll/Eye Color
01-20%: Dark Brown
21-30%: Golden-Brown
31-33%: Hazel-Brown
34-36%: Bright-Brown
37-40%: Pale-Brown
41-43%: Bright Blue
44-53%: Blue-Grey
54-57%: Blue-Green
58-60%: Ice-Blue
61-70%: Iron-Grey
71-80%: Pale-Grey
81-85%: Ice-Grey
86-90%: Bright-Green
91-97%: Pale-Green
98-00%: Golden-Yellow

Vallorean Height and Weight Tables

Male Vallorean Base Height: 5’4”-6’6”; (5’2”+2d8”);
Average Height: 5’10”
Male Vallorean Base Weight: 134-260-lbs; (120+14d10);
Average Weight: 190-lbs.

Female Vallorean Base Height: 5’0”-6’2”; (4’10”+2d8”);
Average Height: 5’6”
Female Vallorean Base Weight: 92-200-lbs; (80+12d10);
Average Weight: 140-lbs.

Vallorean Cultural and Ethnic Heritage

Varanthus Regional Vallorean/Foreign Ethnic Cultures
01-15%: Tethorna Vallorean Primary/Mixed*
16-50%: Vallorean/Varanar Character Tables*
51-65%: Vallorean/Nemberi Character Tables*
66-75%: Vallorean/Gharnoth Character Tables*
76-85%: Vallorean/Malbari Character Tables*
86-95%: Vallorean/Archaedian Character Tables*
96-00%: Vallorean/Other Ethnic Heritage*

*Reference Vallorean Heritage Explanations, below:

Vallorean Heritage Explanations

01-15%: Tethorna Vallorean Primary/Mixed*
The character appears largely to be a Tethorna Vallorean, though the character has a family member in the distant, recent, or immediate past that was some kind of barbarian or foreign mixed blood. Typically, such an individual has a long family history of pure Tethorna Valloreans, and their mother or father was non-Tethorna Vallorean. Most such instances are a pure Tethorna Vallorean parent mixing with a Vallorean. Naturally, other intermixing with an entirely different ethnic member may also occur, though intermarriage with Valloreans is a much more common occurrence, especially for Tethorna Valloreans, as they often desire the closest bonds of blood, culture and religion. The character uses the Tethorna Vallorean Character Tables or Vallorean Character Tables, or the appropriate ethnic character tables. Also, while the skin, eyes, and hair tables may be Tethorna primary, the height and weight tables are from the Vallorean section, or an appropriate ethnic section. Note, however, while the character may appear virtually pure as a Tethorna Vallorean, the character does not gain the benefits of a pure Tethorna Vallorean, as their blood has somewhere in their past, either long ago or recent, been mixed with non-Tethorna blood.

16-50%: Vallorean/Varanar
The character may roll on the Vallorean Character Tables, or the Varanar Character Tables, or if desired, mix and match from either, as appropriate. Furthermore, the character uses either the Vallorean height and weight tables, or the Varanar height and weight tables.

51-65%: Vallorean/Nemberi
The character may roll on the Vallorean Character Tables, or the Nemberi Character Tables, or if desired, mix and match from either, as appropriate. Furthermore, the character uses either the Vallorean height and weight tables, or the Nemberi height and weight tables.

66-75%: Vallorean/Gharnoth
The character may roll on the Vallorean Character Tables, or the Gharnoth Character Tables, or if desired, mix and match from either, as appropriate. Furthermore, the character uses either the Vallorean height and weight tables, or the Gharnoth height and weight tables.

76-85%: Vallorean/Malbari
The character may roll on the Vallorean Character Tables, or the Malbari Character Tables, or if desired, mix and match from either, as appropriate. Furthermore, the character uses either the Vallorean height and weight tables, or the Malbari height and weight tables.

86-95%: Vallorean/Archaedian
The character may roll on the Vallorean Character Tables, or the Archaedian Character Tables, or if desired, mix and match from either, as appropriate. Furthermore, the character uses either the Vallorean height and weight tables, or the Archaedian height and weight tables.

96-00%: Vallorean/Other Ethnic Mix
The character may roll on the Vallorean Character Tables, or mixing and matching from two or more other sets of ethnic character tables, as appropriate. Furthermore, the character uses either the Vallorean height and weight tables, or an appropriate ethnic selection for height and weight.


In the various provinces, there are occasionally local forms of government, tribal government and other political arrangements that may be allowed to exist in a distinct form, and otherwise integrated into the larger political scheme and system of the empire, as determined by the provincial king or governor.


The Vallorean cultures are an overall blending of the dominant Vallorean culture influenced and integrated with a wide variety of local and regional ethnic cultures and customs. Vallorean morals, customs, standards and expectations are heavily influenced by the dominant Vallorean culture, though with varying degrees of influence and integration from the various ethnic cultures prevalent in the region.

Vallorean marriage customs—especially in distant provinces, or rough border areas often embrace a set of marriage customs generally diluted and changed from the primary Vallorean customs, and may have various other expectations, elements or customs depending on the local populations, neighborhood, and so on.

Vallorean marriage customs are summarized as follows:

Monogamous; Loose, Informal, Concubinage

Loose: People involved have varying expectations of absolute sexual fidelity and exclusivity; mistresses, lovers, and so on are fairly common, and generally accepted.

Informal: The culture has no strict requirements concerning divorce, and divorce is relatively easy and simple to do, with no social, religious or cultural stigmas for anyone involved. In addition, children born out of wedlock are not subject to being outcasts, and may be common and entirely accepted.

Concubinage: The culture embraces the custom of maintaining concubines for a married person, whether male or female. In the cases where concubines provide children, the children have some rights of inheritance. In addition, concubines have an official, legal and social status, and enjoy specific social, legal and inheritance rights.

Economically, the Vallorean Empire is a vast dominion, rich in natural resources of every kind, and enjoys a sophisticated, coin-based economy. However, in various regions of the provinces throughout the empire, various bartering systems may be in place alongside coin-based economies, and have significant influence, and even local dominance.


Vallorean religious standards and customs are the same as for Tethorna Valloreans, modified by various local regional and ethnic conditions.


Valloreans are part of the Vallorean Empire, and with the exception of occasional unique forms of tribal and provincial military traditions, generally conform to the system organization, and forms established throughout the entire empire.

Cultural Weapons and Armour

Vallorean Cultural Armour
Leather Armor (AC 8)
Hide Armor (AC 8)
Studded Leather (AC 7)
Scale Armor (AC 6)
Breastplate (AC 5)
Chainmail Hauberk (AC 5)
Banded Armor (AC 4)
Platemail (AC 3)
Shield, Wooden
Shield, Steel

Vallorean Cultural Weapons
Dagger, Dart, Sling, Club, Heavy Mace, Light Mace, Handaxe, Battleaxe, Heavy Flail, Light Flail, Warhammer, Shortsword, Broadsword, Longsword, Bastard Sword, Greatsword, Great Axe, Great Flail, Great Warhammer, Javelin, Spear, Lance, Pike, Shortbow, Composite Shortbow, Longbow, Composite Longbow, Great Longbow

Cultural armor and weapon selections are in general, the same as for Tethorna Valloreans, as the empire as a whole—however, local, regional, and ethnic standards, customs and resources may take precedence or alter the availability or access of various items and styles of armor and weapons technology.

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